Catherine & Arthur’s Wedding at JW Marriott Hotel

I remember Catherine & Arthur’s wedding fondly. It attests to my belief that an excellent photographer is one who can capture the various and nuanced emotional interactions among different parties involved on the day.

There is the romantic bliss between the couple, expressed by their sweet, gentle gaze into each other’s eyes, as if they were communicating a lovely secret that only the two of them in the entire universe could decipher. There is the maternal love of a mother as she hugged Catherine longingly, with a complex feeling between wishing her daughter the greatest happiness and a slight reluctance of letting go this precious child of hers. There is the girly friendship between Catherine and her bridesmaids, who were always laughing and giggling in synchrony. These are all candid but long-lasting moments that can only be caught naturally.

I also tried to document every aspect of the wedding as accurately as possible, even the weather. It was rainy and overcast on the day; but I decided to capture that as well for it was not an unpleasant thing. In fact, the greyish natural tone further complements the sense of romance and grandeur of the scenes.

It all comes down to the photographer’s vision and sensitivity to effectively pick out these elements in making a charming photo album.

We thank Bride & Breakfast HK very much for featuring: A Traditional Pink and White Wedding at J.W. Marriott

Photographer: Patrick Law Photography / Makeup: Florence Chan and Sayso / Decoration: idecor


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