Anson . Joshua’s Wedding@Union Church

I don’t know if you notice, but before we carry out our shoots for the day we are always given a run down on the series of events that will take place. For example, we will be briefed on the location of the wedding etc. A lot of planning has been put into place, but I tend to focus more on the interactions between the couple and I, or between the couple and the crowd, which I feel would actually bring a vast difference in the outcome of the photos.

Anson and Joshua’s wedding day was a rainy one and it was unexpected as the weather was pretty unstable. However, it did not affect the spirit of the couple as they were devoted Christians, and their faith and prayers to God were answered when the sun came out before they entered the church for their ceremony.

I was privileged to be a part of Anson and Joshua’s wedding as they have entrusted me to be their wedding photographer on this important day.  I have not met them in person before and have only communicated the details through emails. Yet upon our first meeting, it was strangely weird that we bonded like old time friends and had so much to talk about! It felt as if we have knew each other for a very long time, and I managed to know them more from engaging in our conversations.

I could see how close in heart and connected they were during their speech and solemnization in the church, and also when the groom composed a song and performed it in front of the bride.

I have always understood that being a photographer I would need the instinct to capture these once in a lifetime moments into frames. To the majority of people, they might consider the moment when the groom lifts up the veil of the bride as one of the most moving moments. However in my perspective, I believe the essence is to capture the emotion shown on the brides face, where she takes her first glance at her future partner in life, touched, and her eyes overwhelmed with joy.

Timeless moments like these can never be re-imposed. So every time I get a chance to do church ceremonies I am always touched in my heart, as I know that with every chance I would be able to capture more heartwarming moments that can be kept forever in frames.

Wedding ceremony: Union Church HK, Reception: American Club Hong Kong


‘I prayed that the heavy rain would stop on my way to here, and I am glad that rays of sunlight arrive just in time for our photos!’

To my pleasant surprise, Patrick Law, our photographer on the wedding day, is a Christian and he was concerned about us even before the long day started! Being an artistically talented photographer, his professionalism and passion for photos is apparent from every photo he had taken. Although it has now been a few months apart from my wedding day last year, his vivid photos brought me back in time and I can visualise the laughers, tears and heartfelt warmth we shared on the day. Thanks very much for freezing these timeless moments and emotions before our eyes, Patrick, and I can say for sure that tears will flow from time to time when I revisit these photos years and decades later!

Anson & Joshua

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