Sally . Chung Pre-wedding – Spontaneous Romance at Kyoto京都

There is actually a story behind this set of Kyoto(京都) pre-wedding pictures. This couple is actually a couple from Beijing who originally went for vacation in Japan. But during the trip, Chung suddenly suggested to Sally that they should have their wedding pictures taken there as well! They then immediately bought a wedding gown in Kyoto and went to find a photographer to take their pictures for them. This spontaneous decision was definitely a romantic surprise for the both of them!

I was the lucky one chosen by them to take their pre-wedding pictures because I’m actually acquainted with a wedding gown company in Japan who contacted me that day. I then discussed the arrangements with the couple through WeChat and took their pre-wedding pictures when we finally met for the first time. 

Sally and Chung had a particular interest in the beautiful Japanese gardens and of course, the sakura that was in full bloom at the time. Both these places served as a lovely, scenic backdrop for their beautiful pictures. The whole shoot wasn’t rushed since we only went to two main locations, but throughout the process I can really feel how Chung really cares for and takes care of his bride-to-be. I wish this couple all the best back in Beijing and hope they continue their romantic spontaneity in the future! 

Shooting places: 高瀨川二條苑/嵐山渡月橋/嵐山竹林/京都御苑


  • March 17, 2015 - 4:15 am

    Shanon Wibowo - May I know where is the location of the garden?

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