Sally & Vincent – Shot at first sight

The first time to meet with Sally and Vincent was on their wedding day. Sally visited my blog and saw my wedding day work with Lucosa and Ken in 2011. Glad that Sally loved the pictures and made a call to book me as their wedding day photographer. My pleasure to have their support and trust!

Sally and Vincent wedding was a simple but festive one. The formal wedding ceremony was not held on that day. In the morning, Vincent picked up Sally and they had the tea serving ceremony at Sally’s home. Then we moved to Aberdeen Marina Club where the banquet was held in the afternoon. We had a relaxing outdoor shot session in AMC. A relaxing wedding day can be as memorable and happy as a busy and packed one, I always think. The couple ought not to rush through a long do-it list on their wedding day and made themselves exhausted. 

Sally and Vincent will have their wedding ceremony held in Okinawa later and their families will witness their important moment. Although I will not be part of it, I wish they will have a great and joyful trip and a perfect ceremony in Okinawa.

Wedding Reception: Aberdeen Marina Club, Make Up Artist: JustGracy

I always love to capture happy faces at right moments

A relaxing portrait session in Aberdeen Marina Club (AMC)

What a beautiful bride, thanks Just Gracy for the gorgeous make-up.


  • May 31, 2012 - 5:53 am

    Bauhinia Yong - What a beautiful bride.

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